Cloud Computing "C2" ;-
Cloud Architecture or Engineering which is popularly known to be Cloud Computing is majorly embraced by today's large Enterprises like Google, Amazon(EC2), Stackato, HP(which stepped up recently) and others. Cloud Computing which involves the use of Networked Computing Resources that are delivered or accessed as a service over a network, mostly a large and extensive network especially the Internet. The Cloud Computing has some features like Autonomic Computing, P2P Computing, Utility Computing, Client-Server Model, Extremely High-Processing Power Computers e.g., Mainframe Computers, Grid Computing. The "Cloud" name comes from the Highly Complex Architecture employed on the Servers that enables a variety of devices to use the Cloud Services that are usually abbreviated with an "aaS".
- Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
- Platform as a service (PaaS)
- Software as a service (SaaS)
- Network as a service (NaaS)
- Storage as a service (STaaS)
- Security as a service (SECaaS)
- Database as a service (DBaaS)
- Test environment as a service (TEaaS)
- API as a service (APIaaS)
- Backend as a service (BaaS)
PHP acronym meaning Personal Home Page Tools changed to PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor in 1997, it was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf using C programming language in 1995. PHP is a more of a server-side scripting language than programming language because of it's weakly typed syntax and limited capabilities to system resources, designed for web development to develop web portals, applications and CMS(Content Management System). It has evolved over the years now has a CLI(Command Line Interface) and GUI-based capability to produce stand-alone GUI applications. Major softwares designed using PHP include Content Management Systems like, Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, WikiMedia, etc. Current version of PHP is PHP 5.5.0 alpha released on November 2012, of which PHP 6 is yet to be released probably next year which is not known.
Java Standard Edition acts as a core of Java's other editions, that is, Java EE, Java ME, Java FX, Java Card and PersonalJava. Java Enterprise Edition was added to give Java Technology an extended capability of distributed and multi-tier architectures, and web services that provides an extensive API to develop an enterprise applications, Large-scale software that includes network and web services that are robust, reliable, scalable, flexible, and highly secure to the desired industry standards. The Java EE platform has evolved over the years, currently known as Java EE 6(Java Enterprise Edition 6), Java EE 7 is the latest release.
- J2EE 1.2(Dec 12, 1999)
- J2EE 1.3(Sep 24, 2001)
- J2EE 1.4(Nov 11, 2003)
- Java EE 5(May 11, 2006)
- Java EE 6(Dec 10, 2009)
- Java EE 7(May 28, 2013) under JSR 342
There are many application servers that support and can run Java Web or Enterprise Applications, but the preferred and recommended application server would be Glassfish Server Open Source Edition, current version v3. Java EE 6 is rich full of libraries and frameworks that has proved development to be quite of high complexities and this has been quite challenging for junior developers like me. I didn't mention about java-based build tool Ant which is proved to be very important for Web or Enterprise Application development. Java EE 6 which is multi-tier has the Client-tier(runs on Client's machine), Web-tier(runs on Web Server), Bussiness-tier(runs on Web Server), and the Enterprise-tier(runs on Database Server).